Monday, June 5, 2017

Administrative/ Logistical Assistant, Aweil, South Sudan (SB-3) UNDP Africa Closing date: Friday, 9 June 2017

Administrative/ Logistical Assistant, 
Aweil, South Sudan 
UNDP Africa 
Closing date: Friday, 9 June 2017


The social, economic and humanitarian situation in South Sudan continues to deteriorate, exacerbated by a multilayered conflict emanating from a political rivalry between President Kiir and his former Vice President Machar. Partners have expressed reservations about the political will to implement the Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (ARCSS) and frustrations about lack of progress. The civil war has had a heavy cost on South Sudan’s population, livelihoods and economy. Large portions of the country have suffered significantly, depleting the resources and reducing the level and quality of already limited basic services. Nearly one in three schools (1,066 out of 3,125) in South Sudan is now closed, impacting the education of more than 900,000 children, including some 350,000 who have been forced out of school by the conflict (HNO 2016).  Over ninety percent of the infrastructure in the conflict affected states has been destroyed. Large scale destruction due to war has additionally deprived people of basic resilience mechanisms, including the possibility to engage in economic activities, thus increasing the dependency on humanitarian assistance in those places where such assistance was made available.  As a result, 6.1 million, nearly half of the total population, remain in need of emergency assistance and an additional one million people have been pushed below the poverty line since 2013.  An estimated 4.9 million persons are “severely food insecure which is projected to increase to 5.5 million with famine declared in parts of the country,” more than 2.3 million people have fled their homes and following the fighting that erupted in Juba on July 8 2016, the number of South Sudanese refugees has risen to 1.1 million with 1.9 million internally displaced. The dramatic decline in oil revenues is having a significant negative impact on South Sudan’s economy. The challenges of the civil conflict are compounded by enormous economic and fiscal problems
South Sudan faces complex policy challenges. The causes of the ongoing famine and severe food insecurity have been attributed mainly to problems of a lack of governance, accountability, conflict, climate linked weather events and more generally lack of investment in the critical sectors of the economy, to enable citizens to fend for themselves. Building resilience through balancing humanitarian and development approaches is central to preventing a further widening of the famine and conflict spiral while delivering peace dividends. Across the country, three years of conflict have severely undermined crop production and rural livelihoods. The upsurge in violence since July 2016 has further devastated food production and disrupted markets, including in previously stable areas. Soaring inflation - up to 800 percent year-on-year - and market failure have also hit areas that traditionally rely on markets to meet food needs. Urban populations are also struggling to cope with massive price rises on basic food items. Humanitarian organizations are appealing for US$1.6 billion to provide life-saving assistance and protection to 5.8 million people across South Sudan in 2017. FAO, UNICEF and WFP, with other partners, have conducted massive relief operations since the conflict began, and intensified those efforts throughout 2016 to mitigate the worst effects of the humanitarian crisis.
The Country office developed a UNDP strategic position paper on early recovery and stabilization in 2016, which was presented at the UNCT and evolved into a UNCT Recovery and Stabilization Strategy. This strategy, formed the basis for the development of a nation-wide joint initiative of UNDP, UNICEF, FAO, and WFP with Northern Bahr el Ghazal being the first of the pilot with the immediate objective of sustainably halting food insecurity and the long-term objective of reversing its progress (both in geographic spread and intensity). Following the Government’s declaration of famine, the UNDP Crisis Board, in its part, activated its internal L3 crisis mechanisms and delayed a SURGE planning team to South Sudan to help the office review its programmatic response and determine the best ways to scale-up existing support and / or define new initiatives to effectively respond to the famine crisis. The SURGE plan recommended the deployment of an Administrative/Logistic Assistant in Aweil to support the implementation of “Building Resilience through Recovery and Stabilization” programme vision.
The joint UNDP, UNICEF, FAO and WFP programmme supports improved agricultural and fisheries practices (FAO-WFP), micro and small scale enterprise development (UNDP), the construction and management of productive infrastructure (UNDP-WFP), income generating and emergency employment opportunities (UNDP-WFP), provision of quality and equitable basic social services (UNICEF), promotion of peace processes and strengthened formal and informal institutions (UNDP) to enhance livelihoods and food and nutrition security, reinvigorate local economy, improve  social cohesion and local governance
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance and supervision of the Operations Analyst, the Administrative/Logistic Assistant provides support to office operations performing a variety of standard administrative processes ensuring high quality and accuracy of work. The Administrative/Logistic Assistant promotes a client, quality and results-oriented approach. The Administrative/Logistic Assistant works in close collaboration with the Operations, Programme and projects staff in the CO and other UN agencies staff to exchange information and ensure consistent service delivery. The key functions of the Administrative/Logistic Assistant include:
A.       Implementation of operational strategies
B.       Support to effective and efficient functioning of the unit (SRP operations)
C.       Support to administrative and logistical services
D.      Support to office maintenance and assets management
E.       Support to knowledge building and knowledge sharing
Ensures implementation of operational strategies, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Full compliance of administrative activities with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies.
  • Provision of inputs to the CO administrative business processes mapping and implementation of the internal standard operating procedures (SOPs).
  • Provision of inputs to preparation of administrative team results-oriented workplans.
Ensures effective and efficient functioning of the unit (DCD’s office/operations unit/ administrative unit), focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Contacts with visitors and staff, arrangement of appointments and meetings, acting as an interpreter when required and/or taking minutes.
  • Compilation and support to preparatory materials including where necessary documentation for meetings and missions.
  • Translation of simple correspondences, when needed
Ensures effective administrative and logistical support, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Organization of shipments, customs clearance arrangements, preparation of documents for UNDP shipments (received/sent), Preparation of all necessary documentation, implementation of follow-up actions
  • Support to organization of procurement processes including preparation of RFQs, ITBs or RFPs documents, receipt of quotations, bids or proposals, their preliminary evaluation. Preparation of POs.
  • Arrangement of travel and hotel reservations, preparation of travel authorizations, processing requests for visas, identity cards and other documents.
  • Administrative support to conferences, workshops, retreats.
  • Collection of information for DSA, travel agencies and other administrative surveys, support to organization of common services.
  • Informed and transparent decision making
Functional Competencies:
Building Strategic Partnerships
  •  Maintaining information and databases: Analyzes general information and selects materials in support of partnership building initiatives
 Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing
  • Basic research and analysis: Researches best practices and poses new, more effective ways of doing things
Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise
  • Fundamental knowledge of processes, methods and procedures: Understands the main processes and methods of work regarding to the position; possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks and demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
Promoting Organizational Change and Development:
  • Presentation of information on best practices in organizational change: Demonstrates ability to identify problems and proposes solutions
 Design and Implementation of Management Systems
  • Data gathering and implementation of management systems: Uses information/databases/other management systems
 Client Orientation
  • Maintains effective client relationships: Reports to internal and external clients in a timely and appropriate fashion; organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines; and responds to client needs promptly
Promoting Accountability and Results-Based Management
  • Gathering and disseminating information: Gathers and disseminates information on best practice in accountability and results-based management systems
Required Skills and Experience
 Recruitment Qualifications;
Secondary education.  Certification in administration desirable
5 years of relevant experience in administration or programme support service. Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.). Experience in handling of web-based management systems.
Language Requirements:
Excellent spoken and written English language skills; Knowledge of Arabic is an asset