Thursday, September 13, 2018

International Consultant for Terminal Evaluation of MSL National and Xinjiang Projects, China UNDP - United Nations Development Programme Closing date: Sunday, 7 October 2018

International Consultant 
for Terminal Evaluation of MSL National and Xinjiang Projects, 
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme 
Closing date: Sunday, 7 October 2018


Please refer detialed TOR at:
In accordance with UNDP and GEF M&E policies and procedures, all full and medium-sized UNDP support GEF financed projects are required to undergo a terminal evaluation upon completion of implementation. These terms of reference (TOR) sets out the expectations for a Terminal Evaluation (TE) of the two sister projects under the same CBPF-MSL (China Biodiversity Partnership Framework-Mainstream of Life) programme, they are: Project 1 (National Project, PIMS 4391), Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the Sub-System of Wetland Protected Areas for Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity; Project 2 (Xinjiang Project, PIMS 4596), Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Landscape in Altai Mountains and Wetlands.

Duties and Responsibilities
The project was designed to:
Project 1: The project goal is to deliver global biodiversity benefits by conserving China’s wetlands through the strengthening of the sub-system of wetland PAs, thus enhancing conservation and management of these globally significant ecosystemsThe project objective is to strengthen the sub-system of wetland protected areas to respond to the existing and accelerating threats to their globally significant biodiversity.
Three outcomes including:
Outcome 1: Wetland PA Sub-System Strengthened through Better Ecological Representation and Enhanced Management Capacity.
Outcome 2: External threats to Wetland PAs reduced through mainstreaming wetland PA considerations in sector planning.
Outcome 3: Increased knowledge management, lessons sharing, and awareness for wetland PAs.
Project 2:
The project Goal is to enhance the effectiveness of XUAR’s PA system to conserve globally significant biodiversity and to maintain healthy and resilient ecosystems with strategic emphasis on the regional PA wetland sub-system. 

The project objective is to strengthen the management effectiveness of PAs to respond to existing and emerging threats to the globally significant biodiversity and essential ecosystem services in AMWL in northern XUAR, People’s Republic of China.

The objective will be achieved through three outcomes: 
Outcome 1: The protection of wetland ecosystems with PA planning and management is enhanced in XUAR through systemic, legal and institutional capacity strengthening;
Outcome 2: The biodiversity of AMWL is effectively conserved with a strengthened PA network and enhanced operational budget through adoption of a landscape approach to conservation planning and environmental management;
Outcome 3: The adoption and development of a ‘community co-management’ approach to conservation in Liangheyuan NR demonstrates improved management effectiveness for a wetland PA in the Altai Mountains and Wetland Landscape.

As the national project played key role for coordinate programme level functions for umbrella impact to all the seven child projects, UNDP would like the team to provide a synthesis report at program level to capture the program successes and impact. It will provide an overview of the findings and recommendations from the six individual TE reports within 2 weeks of the finalization of all six TE reports, which may need some Skype interview meetings for clarifications with 7 PMOs staff and FAO China, as well as NPD from programme level.
An example program synthesis report is available from the mid-term to provide guidance to the TE team.
The TE will be conducted according to the guidance, rules and procedures established by UNDP and GEF as reflected in the UNDP Evaluation Guidance for GEF Financed Projects.  
The objectives of the evaluation are to assess the achievement of project results, and to draw lessons that can both improve the sustainability of benefits from this project, and aid in the overall enhancement of UNDP programming.  

  • Strategic technical and intellectual skills in the substantive area with global dynamic perspectives;
  • Leadership, innovation, facilitation, advocacy and coordination skills;
  • Ability to manage technical teams and engage in long term strategic partnership;
  • Entrepreneurial abilities and ability to work in an independent manner;
  • Ability to work effectively in a team, with good relationship management skills
  • Strong managerial and coordination skills, including ability to coordinate the development of large, complex projects;
  • Demonstrated ability to operate effectively in a highly complex organizational context;
  • Ability to maintain high standards despite pressing deadlines;
  • Excellent communication (both oral and written) and partnership building skills with multi-dimension partners and people, skill for conflict resolution and negotiation;
  • Excellent writing skills, especially in the preparation of official documents and reports;
  • Good knowledge of China’s environmental and socio-economic context.

Required Skills and Experience
  • An advanced degree in conservation, natural resources management, environmental science or related fields, preferably in PA conservation and management.
  • Minimum 3 years of relevant professional experience including Project development, implementation and evaluation
  • Knowledge of UNDP and GEF, such as GEF policy and practices, GEF project requirements;
  • Previous experience with results-based monitoring and evaluation methodologies;
  • Technical knowledge in the targeted focal area(s) including biodiversity conservation, agriculture, natural resources co-management, integrated planning, etc.
  • Expertise in economic and social development issues
  • Good communications and writing skills in English
  • Professional experiences in working in China and with Chinese counterparts would be an advantage.
  • Working experiences in high altitude areas

  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required;
  • Good knowledge of Chinese is an asset.
IT Skills:
  • Good IT skills.

Evaluation Criteria:
The award of the contract will be made to the Individual Consultant who has obtained the highest Combined Score and has accepted UNDP’s General Terms and Conditions.  Only those applications which are responsive and compliant will be evaluated. The offers will be evaluated using the “Combined Scoring method” where:
  • Technical evaluation - 70%;
  • Financial Evaluation - 30%.