Sunday, September 9, 2018

Capacity Development Specialist, Luanda UNDP - United Nations Development Programme Closing date: Thursday, 20 September 2018

Capacity Development Specialist, 
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme 
Closing date: Thursday, 20 September 2018


UNDP is a key partner to the Global Fund (GF) and when necessary serves as Principal Recipient (PR) in various countries. As such, UNDP currently acts as PR in 26 countries. In 2017, Angola’s Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) designated UNDP for the role of PR for the new HIV grant (2018-2021). Such role is exercised by UNDP in support to the Ministry of Health via the Instituto Nacional de luta contra sida (INLS). It is also exercised in coordination with other UN agencies and bilateral aid agencies.
The 2018-2021 HIV Grant aims to support the national response to HIV led by the INLS. The Grant Performance targets include ensuring that Angola’s HIV prevalence rate remains at less than 3% by 2021; and reducing the morbidity and mortality of People living with HIV (PLHIV) by providing access to treatment to 122 193 PLHIV, who represent 38% of PLHIV in the country.
As PR, UNDP accounts for the achievement of the Grant Performance Framework targets. To help attain targets, UNDP contracts implementing partners, called “Sub-Recipients” (SR), which include the INLS, international and national NGOs. As PR, UNDP is also responsible for effective grant implementation, which involves programmatic and financial management; management of Sub-Recipients; and procurement and quality assurance of health products. The implementation of the INLS Capacity-Building Plan, which includes strengthening the national HIV and logistics information management systems, will also be pursued during the grant implementation period.
INLS is the both the leader of the AIDS response and the largest Sub-Recipient of the major donor to the AIDS response i.e. the Global Fund. INLS’s large portfolio of activities includes resource mobilisation; strategic planning and policy making; protocol development and enforcement; training and supportive supervision of health professionals; data collection and reporting;  forecasting of needs in the area of HIV-related products and related distribution. The implementation of its Global Fund sub-grant is carried out by members of staff pertaining to its various departments i.e. Clinical Support;  Epidemiological surveillance; Information, Education and Communications; Laboratory Management with the support of its Finance and Administration Management.
As such the institution contributes to a large extent to the programmatic and financial performance of the Grant. There is therefore a need to ensure that the INLS human, technical and organisational resources are fully mobilised towards the execution of the Grant’s workplan under INLS. In so doing, there is an equally important need to address the capacity development needs which were identified by UNDP and transformed into a Capacity Development Plan in 2017.
To ensure both the success of the INLS sub-grant and the implementation of its Capacity Development Plan, UNDP is recruiting an INLS Capacity Development Specialist who will combine grant management and coordination with capacity development functions.

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the overall supervision of the INLS Director General, in liaison with the UNDP GF Project Coordinator, and in cooperation with relevant INLS senior managers and staff, the Capacity Development Specialist will be responsible for the following:
Specific objective 1: Ensuring the timely execution of the INLS-led targets, workplan and budget under the HIV Grant, in compliance with the terms and conditions Sub-Recipient agreement between UNDP and INLS
  • Develop awareness of the Sub Recipient agreement terms and conditions among INLS leadership and staff;
  • Develop, review and update the INLS workplan and budget;
  • Develop and/or sustain programme and budget management mechanisms within INLS;
  • Ensure that all training activities conducted and funded under the Grant are adequately planned, designed and documented through Training Reports;
  • Develop and/or sustain programme and financial reporting mechanisms within INLS with a view for timely programme and financial reporting to UNDP;
  • Develop and/or sustain supply management mechanisms between INLS, the Warehousing and Distribution Services Provider and Provincial Health Authorities so as to ensure that Grant targets are met;
  • Develop and/or sustain asset management mechanisms so as to safeguard GF-funded property acquired through the Grant (laptops, printer);
  • Carry out grant M&E visits with the participation of INLS staff, as part of INLS Supervision visits or separately; ensure that all M&E and Supervision visits conducted and funded by the Grant are documented through Reports.
Specific objective 2: Ensuring the effective coordination and adequate oversight of INLS human resources, implementers and service providers involved in delivering on the INLS targets under the HIV Grant
  • Develop, review and update periodic workplans for INLS Regional M&E Supervisors, Logistics Assistant and Finance Assistant
  • Identify, assign and follow-up on individual performance objectives for the staff mentioned above; contribute to performance appraisal exercises as and when requested by UNDP;
  • Manage the INLS partnership with its Sub Sub-Recipient including workplanning and reporting, in compliance with UNDP rules and regulations;
  • Contribute technical expertise to the hiring and management of other service providers to INLS under the Grant including for Technical Assistance; Warehousing and Distribution services; catering services etc.; contribute to the performance appraisal exercises as and when requested by UNDP.
Specific objective 3: Supporting the implementation of the INLS Capacity-Building Plan, jointly developed with UNDP in 2017
  • Promote the transfer of skills at all times; ensure that relevant INLS staff is involved, trained and receives guidance in carrying out all activities and interventions planned under the Grant;
  • Develop and sustain awareness and ownership of the Plan within INLS;
  • Contribute technical expertise and experience to capacity development interventions initiated by UNDP
  • Advise UNDP on its support to INLS;
  • Identify, design and carry out specific interventions under the Plan such as the development of programme management systems
  • Contribute to the documentation and communication of achievements under the Plan;
  • Organise, follow-up and report on management recommendations from UNDP, through SR Management Letters, SR Performance Assessment Reports, or UNDP Audit Reports.
Specific objective 4:  Supporting INLS strategic engagement with the Global Fund and other HIV/aids stakeholders
  • Help ensure alignment of GF grant implementation with the National HIV/aids Strategic Plan, INLS policies, protocols, plans and targets;
  • Support INLS in meeting its counterpart financing requirements;
  • Advise INLS leadership on promoting synergies and coordination among INLS partners;
  • Participate in INLS resource mobilization efforts vis-à-vis the Global Fund and other partners.
Expected Deliverables:
  • INLS Annual and Quarterly Workplans including Updates; any other progress updates;
  • INLS Quarterly Distribution Plan for Health Products, including Updates;
  • INLS Training ToRs; Plans / Schedules and Reports;
  • INLS Supervision or M&E Visit Reports;
  • INLS Asset Inventory under the Grant;
  • Quarterly workplans for INLS Consultants (6) – to be developed jointly with UNDP;
  • Quarterly appraisal forms for INLS Consultants (6) – to be developed with UNDP;
  • INLS SSR agreement, workplan, budget, performance framework;
  • INLS SSR reports (programmatic and financial);
  • Documentary evidence of capacity development interventions for skills transfer and organizational strengthening – on a quarterly basis, through quarterly reports, and based on INLS Capacity Development Plan;
  • Documentary evidence of support to INLS strategic engagement with the GF and other partners as per Consultant quarterly reports
  • Quarterly Consultancy reports.
The Capacity Development Specialist shall report both to the INLS Director General and the UNDP Project Coordinator (dual reporting line).
Regular travel outside Luanda is expected for this assignment.
In the case of travel, payment of travel costs will be planned and budgeted for under the INLS Sub-Grant.
Safety and security: Consultants are required to comply with the UN security directives as outlined at Individual Consultants are also responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries and regions, as designated by the UN Medical Director.
Payments will be made on quarterly basis based on the Certificate of Payment, monthly reports and timesheets that will be submitted to UNDP at the end of each quarter. Payment will be processed upon performance evaluation by the UNDP Project Coordinator, in consultation with the INLS Director General.

Organizational Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Functional Competencies:
  • Strong analytical, negotiation and communication skills, including ability to produce high quality practical advisory reports and knowledge products,
  • Professional and/or academic experience in one or more of the areas of the Development or knowledge management field.
Project and Resource Management
  • Ability to produce high quality outputs in a timely manner while understanding and anticipating the evolving client needs.
  • Ability to focus on impact and results for the client, promoting and demonstrating an ethic of client service.
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Ability to work independently, produce high quality outputs.
  • Sound judgment, strategic thinking and the ability to manage competing priorities.
Partnership building and team work
  • Demonstrated well developed people management skills.
  • Strong ability to manage teams; creating an enabling environment, mentoring and developing staff.
  • Excellent negotiating and networking skills.
  • Demonstrated flexibility to excel in a multi-cultural environment.
  • Provides constructive coaching and feedback.
Communications and Advocacy
  • Strong ability to write clearly and convincingly, adapting style and content to different audiences and speak clearly and convincingly.
  • Strong presentation skills in meetings with the ability to adapt for different audiences.
  • Strong analytical, research and writing skills with demonstrated ability to think strategically.
  • Strong capacity to communicate clearly and quickly.
  • Strong inter-personal, negotiation and liaison skills.

Required Skills and Experience
  • BA/MA in a health-related area or business / project management
Work experience:
  • Minimum of 7 years work experience in the public health sector;
  • A Minimum of 3 years project management experience;
  • Work experience in a development context;
  • HIV/aids programme management experience;
  • Public health experience in Angola;
  • Capacity development experience including design and facilitation of training packages; support supervision approaches; coaching.
  • Experience with an international organization;
  • Experience of working and/or knowledge of the Global Fund.
  • Fluent Portuguese;
  • Advanced English.