Under the direct supervision of the Programme Coordinator of the Local Governance and Decentralization Reform (LGDR) Component, Strategic Planning Specialist will perform the following key tasks:
- Ensure overall implementation of strategic planning activities of the Local Governance and Decentralization Reform component of RPP in line with UNDP rules and regulations and delivery of results in accordance with the programme document, work plans and other joint agreements between the Government and UNDP;
- Contribute to preparation of annual, quarterly, and detailed implementation work plans, and other related documents for timely commencement and implementation of the component activities;
- Ensure collection and analysis of the data and relevant studies on strategic planning taking into account decentralization trends and human rights based approach. Ensure availability of an up-to-date information on all critical issues on strategic planning related to RPP; Initiate and design analytical and technical products, including assessments and studies in support to strategic planning efforts at oblast, rayon and local level, including baseline assessments and methodological recommendations;
- Provide technical advisory support on strategic planning issues to local authorities and communities from cities and towns as well as to the newly amalgamated hromadas in target Oblasts (Donetsk and Luhansk), particularly through capacity building and technical assistance activities related to strategic planning in inclusive and transparent manner;
- Provide analytical and management consulting support on strategic planning, including studies and technical assistance for the implementation of the new arrangements, particularly concerning the intergovernmental relations aspects, the allocation of competencies and responsibilities concerning strategic planning among practitioners on all levels of governance;
- Provide technical advisory support to Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts governments on strategic planning and development of Action Plans for implementation of regional strategies;
- Ensure timely preparation of strategic planning documents at local level in up to 20 targeted hromadas (10 hromadas in Luhansk region and 10 hromadas in Donetsk region) in line with decentralization trends and human rights based approach;
- Provide substantive input to monitoring, coordination and supervision of field activities on strategic planning to ensure the Component objectives are met;
- Mobilize the team of at least 3 national consultants assigned for the development or update of strategic planning documents in target hromadas by developing ToRs and facilitating their recruitment in line with UNDP rules and procedures;
- Regularly supervise and monitor the work of national consultants on strategic planning and delivery of assignments (training, seminars/workshops, surveys, data collection, etc.), as well as coordinate their work in target Oblasts;
- Ensure proper management of the budget allocated for relevant strategic planning activities. Ensure that funds are available when needed and disbursements achieved as per the work plans;
- Ensure effective coordination among stakeholders as well as among various structures of governmental institutions on behalf of UNDP in the subject area (strategic planning);
- Facilitate programme monitoring and evaluation, as well as audit activities;
- Prepare sections of the Programme/Component reports, including progress and annual reports, as well as any ad-hoc technical reports;
- Perform other activities as requested by Programme Coordinator and UNDP Project Office Management.
- Full and appropriate implementation of the respective strategic planning activities within Local Governance and Decentralization Reform component of RPP;
- Results, experiences and lessons learned during implementation of the Local Governance and Decentralization Reform component of RPP related to strategic planning activities disseminated at the national, regional and local levels;
- Reporting and quality monitoring activities completed.
- Respective sections of the annual work plan for the Local Governance and Decentralization Reform component of RPP are fully and timely implemented;
- Funds delivery allocated for strategic planning activities reached 100%;
- Programme and Component activities are carried out in strict accordance with UNDP rules and procedures.