Under the overall and direct supervision of UN Women Special Representative, the Joint Programme Manager will be responsible for management, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the JP during programme initiation and mobilization phase, including providing guidance and support to the programme, ensuring effective partnership, networking and coordination between other ongoing UN Women, UNFPA, UN Habitat, and UNODC joint programmes, overseeing and guiding people and budget management for the programme team, building partnerships contribute to inter-agency coordination to achieve a coherent and aligned presence for Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW) in the country and managing knowledge building efforts.
The Joint Programme Manager will be responsible for the joint programme implementation during inception phase, working closely with the three other participating UN organizations, in addition to managing and implementing UN Women’s specific component of the joint programme. More specific tasks include:
- Provide Guidance and support to the joint programme on the implementation of key UN frameworks and convention on women’s rights and empowerment, with specific focus on ending violence against women;
- Provide high-level substantive and strategic leadership of the joint programmeduring the inception phase;
- Lead technical consultations together with the participating UN organizations and partners in government, civil society and development partners for the development of the first year implementation plan of the Joint Programme;
- Prepare a presentation and agenda for the Steering committee meetings to disucss and approve the detailed programme implementation plan for the overall joint programme for the first year;
- Prepare overall human resources plan, procurement plan in line with the programme outputs and objectives; for the first year of implementation, based on inputs from the participating UN agencies;
- Coordinate and implement programme activities listed in the JP’s inception plan and measure performance and report on Joint programme results and outcomes for the first quarter to the Programme Steering Committee;
- Support in the recruitments of the joint programme staff during the inception phase, draft terms of references, coordinate HR recruitment closely with the HR focal point;
- Prepare timely and quality substantive technical outputs, briefs and required documents, ensuring timely production and submission of outputs and reports by all members of the joint programme team;
- Meet regularly and work closely with the donor, government and the participating UN organizations of the JP to update on progress and coordinate the joint implementation;
- Coordinate the activities of the joint programme staff, experts and consultants working as part of the JP technical team;
- Draft and review ToRs for policy briefs and other knowledge products;
- Coordinate Programme Steering Committee second meeting, donor coordination and technical review meetings, and prepare background documents for this meeting, including project briefs, issues papers, and progress;
- Review Programme Steering Committee decisions and recommendations and follow up on their implementation of action points as needed and applicable;
- Coordinate and manage the overall delivery of the programme in an effective and efficient manner with UN Women and participating UN agencies staff;
- Develop, through a participatory and comprehensive consultation process with participating UN agencies a call for proposals and/or an expression of interest for civil society partners for the implementation of programme interventions;
- Assist in setting up the technical review committee for the review and selection of civil society partners, including drafting the ToR for the technical review committee;
- Develop tools for managing the joint programme in an effective and result-oriented manner, ensuring that objectives and targets are met; correct inputs are provided; agreed procedures are followed up; and that outputs are produced in a feasible and timely fashion;
- Ensure full functionality of technical assistance for each programme component, closely cooperating with the pillar leads of UN organizations as required within the framework of the programme, and in support of its results;
- Conduct thematic analysis and programme review, including strategic guidance on activity planning, implementation strategies and future programme orientation;
- Provide support in advancing thematic coordination, including identifying programmatic entry points in the area of ending violence against women and ensure consistency and complementary implementation in relation to other UN Women, UNFPA, UN Habitat and UNODC projects and programmes;
- Lead communication and sharing of knowledge derived from joint programme with governmental institutions and other regional Ending Violence Against Women programmes at the regional and global levels; and
- Prepare final assignment report summarizing main achievements and challenges.
Key Performance Indicators:
- Timely and quality implementation of joint programme including advocacy activities against set work plans, timelines and budgets, in line with the UN Women Strategic Note (2018-2022);
- Quality and timely reporting;
- Strong relations with partners and stakeholders;
- Enhanced best practices and lessons learned documented and circulated;
- Successful implementation of the UN Women/UNFPA/UN Habitat/UNODC Joint Programme especially in relation to enhancing the capacities of institutions dealing with EVAWand strengthening access to justice, security and protection services, especially for women and girls;
- Successful management of the joint programme is expected to produce the following outcomes:
- State building efforts are reinforced by legal, regulatory and policy frameworks in line with international standards;
- Service provision is effective, accountable and inclusive;
- Increasing access by women and girls to gender-responsive Ending Violence Against Women services; and
- Focus on multi-pronged evidence based prevention initiatives that support targeted households and communities for decreasing harmful practices, attitudes and behaviors.
During the assignment period, and according to above background and requested duties and responsibilities, the Gender Coordination Consultant will be expected to deliver the following:
- A detailed workplan for the inception phase and the first year of implementation of the joint programme;
- A set of recommendations based on consultation with the development partners to maintain strong synergies with ongoing EVAW programme interventions;
- A draft call for proposals and/or expression of interest for civil society partners for the implementation of programme interventions ;
- Communications and Advocacy Strategy, Visibility and Branding Guidelines, Communications Work Plan (jointly by the Communications consultant); and
- A final Assignment report including observations and future recommendations.