Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Staff Counsellor (National Contract), Lebanon, Beirut (with frequent travel to the field) Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Closing date: Sunday, 6 May 2018

Staff Counsellor (National Contract), 
Lebanon, Beirut (with frequent travel to the field) 
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) 
Closing date: Sunday, 6 May 2018


About the job 
Ensure, through support and counseling that DRC and partner staff, especially protection and case management staff, have the skills to recognize signs and symptoms of stress and burnout; learn strategies for self-care; and have access to a support network of peers as well as individual counseling.Your main duties and responsibilities will be:

• Conduct group therapy sessions with protection staff (DRC and partners) on effectively dealing with secondary traumatic stress inherent in the nature of case management and emergency work and exploring ways they can enhance their self-care and psycho-social wellbeing; 
• Conduct individual counselling sessions with staff to support them in processing difficult emotions linked to challenging cases and develop individualized self-care plans. 
• Remain available for remote consultation by phone or skype 
• Provide periodic and anonymised feedback to supervisors, HR or Protection Specialist accordingly on issues that may require their intervention or guidance. 
• Flag urgent or high risk staff care issues that may affect the safety or wellbeing of any staff to the CD and HR manager and advise on actions to be taken, in line with the principle of consent and in the best interest of the concerned staff member. 
• To produce bi-monthly progress reports to the protection specialist to highlight needs and gaps in liaison with national interagency guidelines of the MHPSS working group.