Sunday, December 3, 2017

Internship Positions - Save the Children - Yerevan , Armenia

Internship Positions 
Save the Children  
Yerevan , Armenia


Save the Children – Armenia’s INTERNSHIP ACADEMY
With its Internship Academy, Save the Children – Armenia aims to provide opportunities for young students and recent graduates, in particular those coming from disadvantaged groups, to gain access to valuable work experience, be exposed to different career paths, and increase their future career opportunities, and in turn contribute to bettering the plight of children in Armenia. 
While contributing to Save the Children’s work in Armenia, interns will learn about child protection and child rights governance, gain insight into how NGOs operate in practice, develop practical skills, and benefit from the experience and insight of practitioners.  Most importantly, as they support Save the Children’s different projects, interns get to participate in workshops, attend policy discussions and become familiar with the policy development process generally. In this way, Save the Children’s Internship Academy offers young persons hands-on experience in how to participate in policy-making and make their voices heard.  
Save the Children’s Internship Academy offers three types of volunteer internships, each one catering to a particular type of experience sought:


Objective:  Provide students an opportunity to learn more about issues concerning children and ways that NGOs such as Save the Children work to protect, promote and advocate for them.
Under the supervision of Save the Children’s professional staff, interns may focus on one of the thematic fields of work of SC, such as, child rights governance, child protection, inclusive disaster risk reduction, school health and nutrition, child participation, community development, social media and advocacy. Those who are interested in learning about the administration and day-to-day operations of an NGO can work with the administrative and support unit, and focus on tasks related to administration, book-keeping, logistics and procurement.
Target audience:  University students (graduate or post-graduate level) interested in learning about child rights and child protection issues, as well as the operations of a not-for-profit NGO.
Terms & Duration:  Interns are expected to work a fixed schedule of 10-12 hours per week; working hours may be flexible to adapt to the student’s schedule.  The duration is for a minimum of 3 months, with the possibility to extend for another 3-month period.  A work space and access to a computer are provided.  The internship is unpaid. 
Interns’ tasks may include:
  • Research (including internet search) and drafting
  • Assistance in organizing workshops, trainings and other events
  • Assistance to international and local consultants and trainers
  • Support with communications, including website updates and social media postings
  • Translations (English – Armenian, Armenian – English)
  • General administrative support such as drafting letters, filing, book-keeping, etc.
  • Interns may also be asked to produce a brief end-of-internship report, and/or be encouraged to post  about some of their positive experiences on SC’s website or social media pages.

Specific Benefits:  Interns get access to Save the Children’s library and other resources, and can attend trainings and seminars to learn more about children’s issues.  As they support various projects, they will have the opportunity to participate in policy discussions and become familiar with the policy development process generally, thereby gaining hands-on experience in how to participate in policy-making and make their voices heard.  


Objective:  The purpose “Academic Internships” is to promote academic interest, research, publishing and advocacy on child rights and protection issues among students of Armenia. A written product is produced by the end of the internship.
Target audience: The internship is intended for graduate students (masters or higher) interested in writing their final paper, project or diploma thesis on one of the thematic areas of focus of SC’s work. 
Terms & Duration:  No minimum office-hours required. The internship is unpaid, and its duration is for the time required to finalize the paper agreed upon, but lasts no longer than 6 months. The final product (paper, project) is shared with SC.
Specific Benefits: Interns gain access to Save the Children’s library and other resources, and can participate in trainings and seminars hosted or supported by SC on topics related to their research.  Interns also benefit from the guidance of practitioners with experience related to their research topic.


Objective:  International internships aim to provide an intercultural learning and work experience to foreign students who are pursuing or have recently completed their graduate studies.
Target audience: Foreign students in Armenia or non-residents of Armenia interested to engage in a professional setting with peers and colleagues in an emerging and developing country.  Knowledge of Armenian or Russian is not required but can be an asset.
Terms and duration: Interns are expected to work a fixed schedule of 10-12 hours per week, preferably in the summer (between May and September); working hours may be flexible to adapt to the student’s study schedule.  A work space and access to a computer is provided.  The internship is unpaid.
Specific Benefits:  In addition to valuable work experience, international interns get all the added benefits and experience of living and working abroad.  Even more, as Save the Children collaborates with other SC country and regional offices, as well as with international organizations in Armenia, interns have the opportunity to work in an international setting and meet professionals not only from Armenia but also from other countries.


Save the Children internships provide all the benefits of a meaningful internship:  SC Internships help interns learn about child protection and child rights governance issues and their application, develop practical skills in research, project coordination, working with community, and also gain insight into child rights policy development, as well as how NGOs operate in practice.  This provides them with a kick start on their work experience, and even a competitive advantage when applying for future vacancies at SC or in other organizations. 
Committed to developing the capacity of its interns, Save the Children will provide them with learning opportunities, including:
  • Introductory briefings and basic training on:
-       children’s rights and related international standards;
-       child protection and child rights governance issues;
-       the child rights situation in Armenia, and specific areas of focus, programs and activities of SC aimed at addressing them.
-       Save the Children’s Child Safeguarding Policy.
  • Access to Save the Children’s library and other resources, to learn more about child rights governance and protection in practice;
  • Regular coaching and mentoring by SC professional staff, to help interns identify their strengths and develop practical skills related to their field of interest.
At the end of their term, Save the Children will also provide interns with a certificate of completion, and a letter of recommendation upon request.


The qualifications and profile that SC seeks from its interns include:
  • Interest in children’s rights, child protection or education sectors
  • Good working knowledge of Armenian and English languages (in the case of international interns, knowledge of Armenian is not required, but an asset).
  • Computer skills including MS office and internet applications
  • Research and analytical skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work independently under instruction and as part of a team
  • Self-motivation.

Students specializing in law, political science, economics, sociology, education, international relations, communications, and information systems management are especially encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should send an updated CV and motivational (cover) letter to, specifying the type of internship they are applying for in the subject line.

Location: Yerevan , Armenia
Internship - Part-Time
Closing date: Thursday 15 February 2018
All jobs close at midnight UK time on the date specified