Friday, June 2, 2017

Health Specialist, Antananarivo, Madagascar United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Closing date: Saturday, 10 June 2017

Health Specialist, 
Antananarivo, Madagascar  
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 
Closing date: Saturday, 10 June 2017


Health Specialist, NOD #11315, Antananarivo Madagascar

    Job no: 503627
    Position type: Fixed Term Staff
    Location: Madagascar
    Division/Equivalent: Nairobi Regn'l(ESARO)
    School/Unit: Madagascar
    Department/Office: Antananarivo, Madagascar
    Categories: Health

    Apply now
    If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.
    For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children's survival, protection and development. The world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

    Under supervision of the Chief of Health (P4, # 7539),   the incumbent provides technical support to the upstream health policy dialogue, with an emphasis on the effective implementation of the health policy program . He / she support the analysis of the situation on health and collects sectorial inputs. He/she contributes to the formulation and development of program objectives, strategies and approaches related to the Health program and helps in building technical partnerships for health strategies, advocacy, mobilization and community participation (i.e. implementation plan of the National Policy on community health). He/ she plays a key role in the development of the sector work plan, technical and institutional feasibility studies and contributes to the capacity building of public sector staff and beneficiaries in the health sector at central and decentralized levels (regions, districts, communes). He / she provides technical leadership in the strengthening of an integrated health system in logistics management of health commodities, including essential drugs for Health, information systems, budget planning and finance, decentralization systems, human resources guidelines, service delivery platforms, governance and leadership.


    Within the delegated authority and under the given organizational set-up, the incumbent may be assigned the primarily, shared, or contributory accountabilities for all or part of the following areas of major duties and key end-results.

    1. Data-driven and results-based management

    • Lead timely, regular data-driven situational analyses.
    • Provide in-country leadership in data-driven prioritization and implementation of Health strategies and interventions.
    • Provide technical and operational guidance and support to government and non-government partners.
    • Champion results-based management.
    • Monitor developments at the international, regional and decentralized levels.
    • Understand Health needs of vulnerable or marginalized groups.

    1. Upstream activities

    • Provide in-country leadership on Health policies, with a particular focus on maternal, neonatal and child survival.
    • Play an active role in broader Health sector discussions such as Sector-wide Approaches (Swaps), Poverty Reduction Strategies etc.
    • Advocate for and leverage resources for scaling-up and replication of effective maternal, neonatal and child Survival interventions.
    • Provide technical leadership in the Health sector components of UNDAF and other UN harmonisation processes.
    • In line with Paris Declaration commitments and the new aid modalities, ensure that the Health sector component of the country programme is fully aligned with national priorities and plans.
    • Provide guidance, leadership, technical assistance for the health system strengthening of the country needs: Leadership and governance, health financing and planning, service delivery platforms, supply distributions, infrastructure, human resources, community health and the national community health policy and the decentralization process of the country.

    1. Downstream activities

    • Provide in-country technical and operational leadership and guidance on scaling-up key maternal, neonatal and child Survival interventions.
    • Support the development, implementation and financing of detailed sectoral work-plans and budgets for scaling-up of maternal, neonatal and child Survival interventions.
    • Ensure UNICEF country office's readiness to deliver on the Health-related CCCs.
    • Collaborate with Programme Communication Officer to ensure development of effective communication strategies to support community-based approaches and social mobilization efforts.
    • Conduct field visits to monitor programmes and conduct periodic programme reviews with Government counterparts and other partners with particular emphasis on under-served populations.
    • Document and disseminate lessons learned of scaling-up maternal, neonatal and child survival interventions.

    1. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting

    • Collaborate with Monitoring and Evaluation section to timely, efficiently, rigorously and transparently monitor, evaluate and report on Health program effectiveness and impact.
    • Ensure programme, sectoral and/or inter-sectoral efficiency and delivery through a rigorous and transparent approach to evaluation.
    • Participate in major evaluation exercises, programme reviews and annual sector review meetings with government and other counterparts.
    • Provide support to, and participate in, national, participatory monitoring and evaluation activities in the Health sector, including for PRS, UNDAF, SWAp, etc.
    • Support the preparation of the annual Health sector status reports.
    • Ensure corrective action is undertaken to address bottlenecks identified during evaluation exercises.
    • Submit transparent and timely reporting to donors and other partners.

    1. Accountability

    • Ensure UNICEF, government and non-government staff understand and comply with UNICEF's financial rules including emergency fast-track procedures.
    • In close collaboration with Operations and Supply staff, regularly monitor and report on use of supplies and other resources donated to the government and non-government partners.
    • Certify disbursements of funds.
    • Collaborate with the Operations Section and Government authorities to establish and maintain sound internal controls supportive of Health programme or sectoral planning and implementation, to coordinate financial and supply management requirements as well as to ensure accountability.
    • Monitor and submit financial status reports to management in compliance with the regulations and guidelines.
    • Ensure corrective action is undertaken to address bottlenecks identified during the above monitoring.

    1. Knowledge management

    • Document and disseminate lessons learned.
    • Develop and implement country-specific national capacity building strategies.
    • Explore areas and opportunities for staff development, including training and opportunities for cross fertilization with UNICEF staff from other country programmes.
    • Provide technical leadership and coordination of relevant operational research, thus contributing to the knowledge base in MNCH.

    1. Rights-based programmes through Results-Based Approach

    • Ensure UNICEF, government and non-government staff understand and apply right-based approaches to programming and humanitarian principles.
    • Promote the quality of rights-based Health programmes through the formulation of programme goals and strategies and approaches, using results-based planning methodology and terminology.
    • Bring coherence, synergy and added value to sectoral or programme management processes using a results-based management approach to planning and design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

    1. Promotion of UNICEF's global goals

    • Coordinate with UNICEF Regional Advisers and HQ Officers to ensure country office strategies are aligned with global and regional strategies.
    • Actively engage in national and international policy dialogue in the Health sector.
    • Effectively communicate on and advocate for the promotion of UNICEF's global goals.
    • Collaborate with Communication Officer to ensure development of effective communication materials and strategies to support advocacy and fundraising efforts.
    • Leverage the strength of UNICEF mission, goals and programmes.
    • Reinforce partnerships to further UNICEF global goals.

    1. Partnerships and leveraging resources

    • Maintain close working relationships with other UNICEF sectors, particularly nutrition, HIV and WASH, and programme communication to ensure integration of the Health programme with other sectors.
    • Establish active and participatory partnerships with key Health sector stakeholders (Government, WHO, other UN agencies, NGOs, bilateral agencies, donors and national and international academic institutions) and interact with them at different stages of Health programme design and implementation.
    • Liaise with UNICEF NatComs and other donors as appropriate, to secure programme funding.
    • Provide technical support and guidance on appropriate technical, financial and institutional capacity building capacities to achieve Health programme goals.
    • Utilise the partnerships with stakeholders to leverage resources for Health, particularly Child Survival.

    • QUALIFICATION and COMPETENCIES ([ ] indicates the level of proficiency required for the job.)

    1. Education

    Advanced degree in one of the disciplines relevant to the following areas: Medicine, Public Health, Pediatrics Health, Health Research, International Health, Health Policy and Management, Health Economics, Environmental Health Sciences, Family Health, or a field relevant to international development assistance in Health.

    1. Work Experience

    Eight years of relevant professional work experience, coupled with field work experience. Experience in facilitating technical support in health related emergency and humanitarian preparedness.

    Experience in programme/project management including experiences in policies/strategies to address conflicts, natural disasters, and recovery.
    Experience working in the UN or other international development organization an asset.
    Background/familiarity with Emergency is an asset.

    1. Language Proficiency [ ]

    • Fluency in French and Malagasy.
    • A good knowledge of English working language      

    1. Competency Profile (For details on competencies please refer to the UNICEF Professional Competency Profiles.)

    1. i) Core Values (Required)
      • Commitment
      • Diversity and Inclusion
      • Integrity    

    1. Core Competencies (Required)
    • Communication [ II ]
    • Working with People   [ II ]      
    • Drive for Results   [ II ]  

    • Functional Competencies (Required)
    • Leading and Supervising   [ II ]                      
    • Formulating Strategies and Concepts [ II ]
    • Analyzing   [ III]
    • Relating and Networking [ II ]
    • Deciding and Initiating Action [ II ]
    • Applying Technical Expertise [ III ]

    UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.
    Advertised: Jun 01 2017 E. Africa Standard Time
    Application close: Jun 10 2017 E. Africa Standard Time