Thursday, August 3, 2017

C4D Consultant Knowledge Management, India United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Closing date: Thursday, 10 August 2017

C4D Consultant Knowledge Management, 
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 
Closing date: Thursday, 10 August 2017


C4D Consultant Knowledge Management

    Job no: 506321
    Position type: Consultancy
    Location: India
    Division/Equivalent: Kathmandu(ROSA)
    School/Unit: India
    Department/Office: New Delhi, India
    Categories: Communication for Development (C4D)

    Apply now
    If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.
    For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children's survival, protection and development. The world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.
      TITLE OF CONSULTANCY: C4D Consultant Knowledge Management
     DUTY STATION: New Delhi
     DURATION OF CONSULTANCY: September - December 2017
     CLOSING DATE: 10 August 2017
     Knowledge management is essential for generating evidence, documenting, using evidence and disseminating good practices and lessons learnt to have a sound basis for policy influencing. The Communication for Development (C4D) programme has a knowledge management framework (attached) which also draws from the UNICEF India Knowledge management framework. The framework uses a three pronged approach as explained below:
     Three-pronged approach to KM:
    For the purpose of C4D, KM follows a three-pronged approach to leverage the programme activities for broader application, replication, and learning.
    a. Learning (Knowledge Generation)
    To be useful, knowledge should not remain tacit or stove-piped within the program. Key to this component, then, is documenting the methodologies, approaches, and findings.
    This includes, but not limited to: briefs, reports, success stories, case studies, and tools.
     b. Sharing (Knowledge Dissemination)
    Once documented, it is important to disseminate and distribute the key findings, lessons (what worked; what didn’t work; why it didn’t work), and methodologies developed. To that end, KM will use a variety of available channels to maximize reach and leverage existing audiences and vehicles. This includes: email blasts, personal meetings, visits to learning sites, newsletters, websites, and other channels as appropriate. Sharing also includes in-person and virtual events, seminars, and roundtables. Finally, this component will create linkages with parallel systems to ensure that knowledge generated under specific projects/ interventions can be shared beyond the project’s life.
     c. Doing (Knowledge Application)
    Lastly, but most importantly KM seeks to facilitate new learning (knowledge generation) by making it easier to build on past work and experiences. This means both “push” and “pull:”
    1) pushing relevant information to relevant audiences to foster evidence-based decision-making and program design, and
    2) making information more accessible to pull practitioners who are seeking data and information.
    KM will support this through more consistent and targeted knowledge dissemination and by enriching the central repository that practitioners can use to ground their BCC implementation plans.
    In order to implement the C4D KM framework, the C4D WP of 2016-2017 contains a distinct knowledge management activity which entails tasks for which the program requires a KM consultant.
    Alongside, UNICEF India’s next five years Country Program (2018-2022) is near final. The consultant is required to provide relevant secondary research analysis for the same and support in quality assurance of current program cycle results documentation.
    1. Overall: Support implementation of C4D KM framework. These could entail but may not be restricted to:
      1. Support C4D strategic documentation (updates, web-stories, briefs, summary, process document, advocacy brochures, research digest and presentation).
      2. Support web searches (esp. google scholar) to identify relevant scientific writers/authors on social and behaviour change communication who UNICEF can partner with to co-author papers based on UNICEF C4D research.
      3. Provide meta/content analysis of available SBCC research.
      4. Provide English language editing service for various C4D documents.

     C4D Specialist (KM Focal Person)

     C4D-KM Action Plan
    1. Review and familiarise.
    1. C4D KM- Learning Approach
    1. Document and write C4D contributions of best practices for UNICEF and other newsletters and websites.
    2. Track UNICEF and other communication websites (esp. Google Scholar and Comminit) for relevant published papers on SBCC to convert into a C4D research digest.
    3. Provide technical support to the development of quality knowledge products, written in a concise, evidence based, and analytical manner and attractively packaged, which can be disseminated among policy makers, practitioners, partners, stakeholders and donors.
    4. Undertake need-based meta/content analysis of available SBCC research.
    5. Participate in and finalise C4D meeting/workshop reports (need based, as required).
    6. Support in preparing advocacy kits on C4D themes.
    7. Visit C4D program sites in States to document the C4D interventions
    8. Edit reports/documents/presentations to make them user friendly/readable and presentable

    Note: The consultant will require to be well conversant with following key KM documents before commencing the assignment.
    • UNICEF India KM Framework
    • UNICEF India C4D KM Framework
    • UNICEF India guidelines on innovation and best practices

    1.  Strategic C4D documents
    2. C4D research digest from a published paper
    3. Meta/Content analysis of available SBCC research
    4. Write-ups and stories for newsletters, websites
    5. Issue based web-search
    6. Edited documents/ Program reports/Presentations

    Note: The details on quantities of deliverables are mentioned in the financial proposal template. The number of deliverables mentioned in the template are estimates which can be less or more as per C4D network need. The contract will be a consumption based one and payments will be made on the basis of actual products delivered and accepted by UNICEF subject to the ceilings mentioned in the contract.

    Performance Indicators:
    1. Quality of C4D strategic documents
    2. Six good quality (interesting content and attractive lay-out) C4D monthly digest finalised
    3. Atleast four C4D stories/articles/document written and designed
    4. Atleast four meta/content analysis report
    5. Atleast six C4D documents edited of good quality
    6. Timely and quality submission of all end products and monthly task completion report
    As required to select States for C4D strategic documentation
    •  Payment is linked to receipt and satisfactory acceptance of deliverables.
    • Travel expenses will be reimbursed at actuals based on receipt of invoices/reports.
    • Per Diem will be reimbursed at UNICEF consultant rates.

    •  An advanced degree in development communication/extension education/social sciences/ journalism/mass communication
    • A diploma/training in Knowledge Management
    • Experience in behaviour and social change communication in the development sector
    • Experience in knowledge management in a large development organization, preferably an international agency
    • Demonstrated high level of writing and editing skills
    • Demonstrated understanding of research
    • Consultant must have computer with internet connection and should be able to operate from offsite.
    • Equally qualified women will be given preference.

    Please submit your online application by COB 10 August 2017.
    HOW TO APPLY: Your online application should contain FOUR separate attachments:
        1. A Cover letter explaining the motivation for applying and also explaining how the qualifications and skill-set of the candidate are suitable for this position (to be uploaded online under cover letter)
        2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) (to be uploaded online under CV/resume)
        3. Links to (3) Work samples - Sample of previous work - process document, web story, research digest, presentation  (In a word document you can share links to 3 work samples or you can share your actual work samples at

    Please Note: Attaching work samples is mandatory as these would also be evaluated and scored as part of the overall technical evaluation criteria.

        1. A financial proposal indicating deliverable-based professional fee as per template attached below.  Please do not forget to specify your name in the file while saving. (to be uploaded under financial proposal template).                             
     Download File July 2017 Template for Financial Bids-C4D KM Consultant.docx
    Please Note: Without the financial proposal template your application will be considered incomplete and will not be evaluated.

    The selection will be on the basis of technical evaluation & financial offer in the ratio of 70:30.  The criteria for technical evaluation will be as follows:
    1. Educational Qualifications     -           Min 7/Max 10
    2. Relevant work experience       -           Min 7/Max 10
    3. Work Samples                         -           Min 7/Max 10
    4. Experience of working with Government/UN Agencies        - Min 3/Max 5

    Candidates who score 24 marks and above in criteria 1-4 above and also score the minimum score against each of the above sub-criteria will be short listed for an interview

    1. Interview                              -             Min 25/Max 35

    Total points to qualify in overall technical evaluation     Min 49/Max 70
    Total technical score – 70 Minimum overall qualifying score is 49. Only those candidates who meet the overall qualifying marks of 49 as well as score the minimum cut-off in each of the above sub-criteria including the interview will be considered technically responsive and their financials will be opened.

    • Any attempt to unduly influence UNICEF’s selection process will lead to automatic disqualification of the applicant.
    • Joint applications of two or more individuals are not accepted.
    • Please note, UNICEF does not charge any fee during any stage of the process.

    For any clarifications, please contact:

    Supply & Procurement Section
    73, Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110003
    Telephone # +91-11-24606516